Dr Lee BurtonIntegrated Medical Practitioner

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Specialist Practitioner in Integrated Medicine, Mistletoe Treatment, Homeopathy & Acupuncture

West Country, Devon and Somerset

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Specialist Medical Practitioner in Integrated Medicine, Mistletoe treatment, Homeopathy and Acupuncture - West Country, Devon, and Somerset

'I believe that an integrated approach,combining the best of conventional and alternative healthcare is an effective, and cost effective choice for many patients in modern medical practice'

'Many people prefer a gentler natural approach to their health and lifestyle,using alternative medicine alongside traditional medical approaches'

' Acupuncture and homeopathic medicine can be a most effective alternative'

Dr Burton’s Natural Health Practice at Glastonbury Health Centre in Glastonbury, near Bath and Taunton, has good access from the M5 in Somerset and Exeter in Devon. The Natural Health Practice was established in 2008 at Culm Valley Integrated Centre for Health in Devon, and clinics in Harley Street together with his appointment at Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine , using a range of homeopathy, acupuncture,mistletoe treatment, and integrated medicine
His Specialist Cancer Clinics were established at Bristol University Hospitals and LOC (Leaders in Oncology Care,London)

Specialising in supportive cancer care, allergies , long-term pain such as neck and back pain and migraine, and particularly complex medical conditions. For a full summary click on the next pages...

Dr Lee Burton MB BS BSc (Hons) DCH DRCOG DK(Bologna) MRCGP MFHom
Member Brit Med Acupuncture Soc

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